General Setting

General Setting

Location – Dashboard>Appearance>Customize>General Setting

In General Setting, you can make general changes that effect the global pages of your website.


Check out what falls under General Setting.

Dynamic css option

Dynamic CSS option lets you place your dynamic css description in wphead or external file. We suggest you to use choose the file option which is good for SEO.

Site Layouts

Choose from :

  • Full Width Layout
  • Boxed Width Body Layout or
  • Fluid Width Layout

Choose Color Options

It offers infinite color options for Primary Color, Text Color, Title Color, Link Color, Link Hover Color, and Meta Data Color.

Typography Options

You can choose the font type, font weight, font style, text decoration, text transform, font size, line height, and letter spacing for Heading and body paragraph of your website.

Site background

You can use image or color background from here.