100% Money Back Guarantee!
You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If during the next 14 days you experience an issue that makes the plugin unusable and we are unable to resolve it, we’ll happily consider offering a full refund of your money.
Secure Payment
Secure payment via our payment partner Freemius
Immediate Account Activation
Activate your theme account and license immediately after payment.
Easy setup
Install CosmosWP Pro within a few click.
CosmosWP Pro Full Features
CosmosWP Pro is all in one plugin that extends the theme and adds more features
Button Two
Button Two is the header element which provides exactly the same functionalities of Button One. It is just a copy of button one element.
Dropdown Menu
It lets you add menus in a dropdown layout. You can improve your content design and layout and even free up spaces with dropdown menu.
Global Form Design
Form Design option allows you to customize the forms you use in your websites like comment form and contact form.
News Ticker
News Ticker options lets you show information like breaking news, latest post, most important posts, or text advertisements.
Header Sidebar
Header Sidebar is a element of header builder. It facilitates users to add widgets in the header section of the website with design options.
Off Canvas Sidebar
The off-canvas sidebar allows you to place menu or widget and make the sidebar slide in and out with a toggle switch button.
Masonry Blog
Masonry Blog helps in optimal utilization of spaces on blog page. With this function, posts are aligned perfectly in grid to use the blank spaces of blog page.
Fullscreen search
Fullscreen search is a element of header builder. It makes your users focus 100% on search results while they perform search on your website.
Related Post
Related Post lets you define how you want to show related posts in single post with number of columns, and number of related posts you want to display.
Overlay Search
Overlay Search makes search in your website easy as it opens a large search box when users click on the search box of your website.
Popup Sidebar
Use Popup Sidebar on the header section of the website to pop up particular widgets as your visitors click on the popup sidebar button.
Sticky Footer
The Sticky Footer allows you to add menu and widgets on the footer of your website and make the footer stay visible all the time with Sticky Footer.
Sticky Sidebar
The Sticky Sidebar allows you to stick your sidebar on the screen and make it visible all the time while people scroll through the main content.
Advanced Blog
CosmosWP gives you an option to control every design of your site elements
Blog Pagination
CosmosWP is built with hooks, filter, templates & clean code to make it developer friendly.
Advanced Banner
With Advanced Banner you have full control of banner options on each post/page/blog and archive pages.
Demo Starter Premium Templates
Get Out Standing Premium Starter Demos Packages on Professional, Business and Agency Plan of each pricing.
Priority Support
Our first Priority is always our Premium User. We never leave you alone and always be there when you need help in building site.
You can start with free CosmosWP WordPress Theme and upgrade to Pro later if you need.
Get started for Free!